Riding High: Tips For Finding Your Perfect Heels

Posted on: 19 October 2016

There are few items of clothing or accessories more important to the professional woman's wardrobe than her collection of shoes – specifically, her heels. Heels can make an otherwise slightly casual outfit look dressy and give you that extra boost of height you need to look powerful and commanding – but shopping for heels can be a nightmare and a half if you're not exactly sure what you're doing or what you're looking for. So if you're trying to find a pair of heels or two to supplement your professional wardrobe with but aren't quite sure how to go about it, then here's what you need to know.

Know Your Brand

This isn't about one-upping your coworker who preens over her designer heels; it's about knowing what brand of heel is going to work the best for the specifications of your foot and your profession.

Some brands like Torrid and Shoes of Prey run wider than others (or have more wide-foot options), while Ferragamo and Amalfi tend towards the narrow side (or have more narrow-foot options). If you're looking specifically for extreme comfort over any other consideration, shoes by Louboutin, Jeffery Campbell, and Cole Haans are all considered the top of the line for comfort, even if you wear them all day (like lawyers have to) – just know that you'll pay top dollar for that comfort.

You'll also want to look at the arch of the heel you're trying on; if you have higher arches than normal, you may want to ensure that the heel can also fit an arch-supporting insert to prevent debilitating foot pain. Knowing the shape of your foot is important so you don't waste time trying on every shoe in a specific line when it turns out that none of them will fit you the way you need anyway.

Consider It An Investment

A good, comfortable, fashionable pair of heels will likely cost you more than you expected – and certainly more than the heels you saw in the shoe section of your local supermarket – but they're worth the monetary investment. Good heels will last you several years longer than cheaper brands and won't cause as many foot problems for you in the long run. If you want to make this investment but aren't sure where to start, ask your friends, family, and coworkers for their suggestions on heels that they've loved and go from there.

For more information, contact local professionals like Tri-County Mall.


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